Himitsu (en. secret) - Bomb/Defuse
Created by scorp (scorpjke@yandex.ru)

You are at the top of mount Fuji, Japan, where is located a secret test laboratory. Here you can see a new just-built office building, and also old warehouses, where Japanese scientists run various tests, develop experimental arms, chemical drugs, and even run tests on humans. The laboratory location was figured out by a terrorist group, which is going to destroy all the long-term works of the test base. Fortunately, among the criminals appeared a government spy, who immidiately reported everything about the impending attack. At the night all the laboratory staff was evacuated, and a military troop was sent out to the point. Will the terrorists be stopped? Eveyrthing depends on you!

Counter-Terrorists: Prevent the terrorists from destroying the arms and the generator, or just kill them.
Terrorists: Destroy the arms or a generator, or just kill all the counter-terrorists.